Access For Every Child: Regional, Rural & Remote

Access For Every Child: Regional, Rural & Remote

Access to early learning services in Australia's regional, rural and remote areas can be challenging, affecting entire communities. Children miss out on educational, social, health, and wellbeing benefits, while parents struggle to secure employment due to the lack of local childcare options. This shortage has flow-on effects for whole communities: workforce shortages across local industries are exacerbated, which can lead to economic decline in these regions.

The Federal Government has pledged to create a universal early education system. This means every child, no matter where they live, should have access to affordable, high-quality early learning services. This ambitious vision ...

Access to early learning services in Australia's regional, rural and remote areas can be challenging, affecting entire communities. Children miss out on educational, social, health, and wellbeing benefits, while parents struggle to secure employment due to the lack of local childcare options. This shortage has flow-on effects for whole communities: workforce shortages across local industries are exacerbated, which can lead to economic decline in these regions.

The Federal Government has pledged to create a universal early education system. This means every child, no matter where they live, should have access to affordable, high-quality early learning services. This ambitious vision requires a concerted effort and collaboration with state, territory, and local governments, as well as community support.

We are leading a coalition with over 50 partners, calling on the Federal Government to implement six actions which will improve early learning access in the regions:

1. Implement strong public management of the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system in collaboration with state and territory governments.
2. Offer a range of supply-side subsidies for ECEC providers in rural and remote areas.
3. Invest in quality Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled integrated early years services in rural and remote areas.
4. Implement a regional, rural, and remote national workforce strategy, including culturally safe training for First Nations educators.
5. Improve family day care and in-home care provision.
6. Provide interim solutions to address immediate needs.

We have presented this joint statement to the Federal Government, but they can't do this alone - they need the backing of State and Territory Governments.

We will be taking the joint statement to the states and territories, and if they know their constitutents support it, they are more likely to support it also. Please send an email to your local MP - every voice counts!


Access For Every Child: Regional, Rural & Remote

In May, the Access for Every Child Coalition released a joint statement calling on the Federal Government to implement six critical actions to ensure equitable access to regional, rural and remote early childhood education and care.

We need your help to ensure these actions (see left) are implemented by showing that there is strong public support for change.

Stand with us in advocating for every child's right to high-quality early childhood education and care, regardless of their location. Send the email below today!

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