The Victorian state election is fast approaching. The state government has made a considerable commitment to free play-based learning for three and four year olds as well as the rollout of affordable government-run early learning centres.
It’s a massive step in the right direction, and we want to ensure it happens no matter who wins the election.
So far, the Opposition hasn't made an announcement on early childhood education and care for Victorian families. Join our call to the Hon Matthew Guy, Leader of the Opposition, to commit to early childhood education reform.
Using our easy template, you can send an email to the Opposition Leader in under two minutes.
The Victorian state election is fast approaching. The state government has made a considerable commitment to free play-based learning for three and four year olds as well as the rollout of affordable government-run early learning centres.
It’s a massive step in the right direction, and we want to ensure it happens no matter who wins the election.
So far, the Opposition hasn't made an announcement on early childhood education and care for Victorian families. Join our call to the Hon Matthew Guy, Leader of the Opposition, to commit to early childhood education reform.
Using our easy template, you can send an email to the Opposition Leader in under two minutes.